Monday, March 26, 2007
BiG aNnouCemEnt~ tHis wiLL mOst liKely bE tHe lAst pOst oF tHis bLog.. i'M nOt gOnNa bLog hEre anyMoRe.. i'LL cOntiNue tO bLog, bUt nOt hEre.. tHis blOg hAs sErved it'S pUrpOse aNd it'S tiMe tO giVe it a'S jUst so cOincidEntal thAt i fOund a gReat cHap wHo is oN tHe sAme bOat aS mi.. yOu n i.. sO mUch iN cOmMon.. sO mUch pAin wE hAd to eNduRe.. sO mUch efFort wE gAve. Alas, hEre we aRe.. bOth tAken fOr gRanted oR siMply nOt aPpreCiated.. wE live a sAd liFe.. neGlected oR bAsicAlly usEd bY tHem.. bOth oUr toPmOst priOritiEs wEre oN tHem iNsteAd oF oUrsElvEs.. yEt, wE gAve thEm mOre tHan wAt tHey gAve uS bAck.. wE tRied vEry hArd aNd oUr bEst, bOth u aNd i.. but it stiLL dOesn't cHanGed a tHing oR hAd an iMpaCt.. mOre liKe it'S wAsted.. aWww.. it'S rEally wOndErful tO kNow u sHare tHe sAme pRobLem aNd fEelinGs liKe mi.. wE shOuld hAve a cUp oF tEa nExt tiMe rOund.. it'S likE bEcOz of aLL tHeSe tHat wE sHaRe a mUtuAl uNdErstAndiNg oF oNe aNotHer.. hOpe tO sEe u sOon.. my pAl.i tHink i kNow wHerE i stAnd bEfoRe uR eyEs nOw.. tHe wAy u'R dOing tHese tO mi.. i hOpe tHat tHe rEasOn bEhiNd tHese wOuld rEally bE uR bEst dEciSiOn.. i wEren't blAme u fOr anYtHing.. mAybe it'S my fAult tHat u fElt thiS wAy.. im a pEst ritE? alWays cliNging oNto u.. wEll, u hAve jUst kiLLed tHe bUg.LaSt pOem i cAn cOme oUt wiTh:So many words I want to saySo strong in my heart is my loveAnd so hard to let you go awayMy heart, my soul; you – my doveSo many words I want to spellOnly three words I can do: « I love you »in my heart dwellAnd in my soul and mind; youBeing together and hoping to be With youa dream, may it come true?Wishing well all time for you and meThat one day, I would better live with youAnd then so many things I wish to doAnd all what my heart wishes is youAnd before all that, so nice is trueTo have and be such LOVE – you knewTo whom my very affection is devoutedTo whom my life would indeed have no senseIf once I would find her again on the fenceTo reveal her deep emotions so seen offendedThis and then it could be our anticipated DESTINYTo live and have so MAY troubles in getting our lifeAnd then my FATE to foresee my LOVE to you for eternityLiving and surviving even if stabed with a keen knifegOod bYe`
Sunday, March 25, 2007
fEeling qUite dEpreSsed at tHe mOmeNt.. i rEally kiNda fEel tHat u'r nOt tReatiNg mi liKe wE uSed tO.. tHe tYpe tHat u dOn't wAnNa tAlk to mi attitUde.. i'Ve tRied mY bEst.. uNfOrtUnatEly, tHere's nO cHance.. iTs liKe yOu r alWays tAlkiNg tO sOmeoNe elSe oR yOu'r tOo bUsy witH tHings.. i rEally hOpe tO gO bAck tO tHe tiMe wHerebY wE wEre mUch mOre clOse.. nOw, itS liKe we'r stRanGers..
When the tears fall down my faceThey aren’t mostly happy ones-they are tears of sadnessThey are tears of a heart in lonelinessThey are tears of a life of just wanting that “one” person to be the only one and hope they feel the same tooThey are tears of wondering if there are disappointments to comeWhen the tears fall down they are heavynot soft, but they flow as a riverand the sniffing, and emotions become uncontrollableAnd I try to be strong for that oneBut that one doesn’t know how much pain it isWhen she walks away and she is already so far awayThe tears that fall downLeave my eyes red, my face gloomy and leave me as being sickMy body falls down and I am in agonyThe tears that fall downNever stop, and I wonder if they ever willEven if I walk away to save myselfI don’t think they will stop, but perhaps in time, I will be betterThe tears that fall down my face nowI don’t like and I can’t do anything about themBut walk away because these are too heavy For me to wipe away anymore
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Never Ending Sorry
Sorry for being meSorry for you cannot seeSorry for just being what you don't want me to beSorry for thinking of something full of gleeSorry for giving you all you asked from meSorry for saying sorry, but that is me, and l can see, that you will be you, and leave me, to be, sorry againuntil the bitter endbEen sO dAmn sHag latEly.. bOred oF wOrkiNg n oVer-eXhaustiNg my bOdy. lUckily mY bRo tOld mi tHat mY livEr is stiLL wOrkiNg pRoperLy.. pHew~ cAnt eAt tOo mUch aNimOre.. fElt liKe puKing eAch tiMe & pAin alWayz sEts in. wAt a bOthEr!i fElt rUde yEsterdAy.. sHouldn't hAve sAid thOse wOrds tO tHat gAl. im kiNda in a cRanky stAte tHen.. i hAven't fiNd my sAnity yEt. mAybe sHe tHinks tHat im mAd at hEr bUt i'm nOt.. i hOpe sHe dOesn't gEt hUrt, or else i'm tO bLame. wOrst if it didN't haVE an eFfect oN hEr..bEen rEally tryinG hard lAtely.. itS tOugh & im sO tiRed..
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
All these feelings deep in my heartCant handle this its tearing me apartIts all to much my heart is brokenA painful regret with the words I’ve spokenI need you now more than everAnd our bond I don’t want to severYou’re the one I need most the one I love dearI’ve hurt you you’ve hurt me im running from this fearAt night I lie thinking of youAnd all the things we’ve been throughI did what I needed to doNow I see it wasn’t good for me or youI’ve been here for you all of these yearsEven when buried in my own sadness and fearsI’ve tried so hard to give you happiness and loveBut when I reached out I felt I got a shove...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
The light went dim in the street of hateAnother night falls It`s your fateStage is setcome see the showNail them upand let the blood flowI hate my hatehate is flown awayI hate my hatewhy would you go awayI hate my hateplease stayHeal our physic wounds with fearlet our kin dissapearThe show is overit`s time to go homeKill your childrenlet the blood flowI hate my hatethe endless stainI hate my hateease the painI hate my hatehate is meThere just only one thing that can't be changeLove is ithate can't change itbut they can be the sametogethercompanionbut never the sameHate once lovednever did lovehurtnever did hate once with painhate exist indeedLovecan't be alonechallenges are not seenin love without a spice of hatehate a littlelove a lottake emotions with fearhate fearlove conquers all they saywhat to conquer without hatewhat to fear without hate Hate!then alas Love!Hate turns to LoveLove to Hatenothing but false for love stay as it is!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
ThEre is a vAst ocEan sEpErAting us... wE arE tWo pEoPle toO fAr aPart... i dO nOt wiSh tO mAke a fUsS... bUt u'vE stOlen, a piEce oF my hEart... cHamb! tml's my piAno eXam.. Damn it! fEeling jittEry riGht nOw.. cUrRently, nOt in tHe bEst oF mOods.. siAnz.. eVerytHing i cHeriShed is sHortliVed.. oH wEll.. gOttA hAng oN~ hOpe i dOn't bReakdOwn.. wiLL aN anGel sAve mi pls` all i aSked fOr is hAppiNess ^_^*pOst aGain in dUe tiMe...Labels: tRoubled