Underneath the stars


Forbes who loves this gal very much


Just hear mi talk and you read (=


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If only you love mi - Forbes


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Basecode: increasingly

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

AhHHhhh... jUst cAme bAck fRom biNtan! its qUite an eNjoyAble tRip.. sO mUch to sAy bUt dUnNO wHere tO stArt. uPon arRival at tHe pOrt in biNtan, i wAs liKE.. wtf! tHE plAce is sO mEsSed up.. tHe hOusing, peOple, cuRrenCy and aLso tHe plAce. itS likE, u hAve rEached uPon a bAck-dAted islAnd.. eVerytHing is oLd, tRaditiOnal, diRty, shaBby aNd cHeap. tHe guiDe bRought us tO tHe sHoppiNg mall, tHe 'bigGest' in biNtAn. tHe biG is likE tHe siZe of cLemEnti's mAcdoNalds.. 1 wOrd fOr it, PATHETIC! (-_-)''' btW.. tHe cUrRency is dAmn sCrewed up.. $1=5800 rupia.. so, if u hAve 200 bUcks, ur cOnsiDered a milliOnaire.. aNd tHere isn't any tHing to sHop thEre, jUst piRated Dvds! woOhOo~ i bOught 9 of tHem.. 18 bUcks only (^^) i piCked ameriCan piE 5, sAw3, aPocAlyicto, tExas chAinsaw and blah blAh.. itS gOnNa bE mOvie mAratHorn this fEstive sEasOn.. i aLso bOught aNd dRank lOts of bEer.. tEll u a sEcret~ bEer thEre cOsts oNly $1.50 so gUess hOw mAny i ta-pAu to tHe rEsort? haha.. tRy gUesSing. i tOld my bRo sOmethiNg rEleVant in sOcial stUdies.. dO u kNow wHy mAlays livEd on tHe lEft side of tHe rOad whiLe tHe chiNese liVed on tHe riGht side? i tOld him itS cAlled seGregatiOn.. tHe riGht siDe is nOrmally nEar the cliFfs oVerlOokiNg tHE sEa wHile tHE lEft siDe is mOre iNshoRe -> sOmething tO do wiTh fEngsui.. fUrtHErmore, tHe riCh stAys on tHe riGht siDe.

eVery mEal we hAd tHere is sEafOod, exCept bReAkfAst.. cOmfiRm gOt pRaWns, calamAri, fiSh aNd chiCken.. tHe fUnNy thiNg is, its alwAys tHe sAme kiNd of fOod bUt its cOoked in diFfeReNt stYle eAch tiMe like bUttEred, barBequed, gRilled uNtil tHey rAn oUt of iDeas aNd sErved us stEamed.. diao~

wE wEnt to 1 oF thE histOrical tEmple.. as im a cHristiAn, i jUst wAited oUtside.. tHe guide tOld us tHat if we drOp a cOin iNto a wEll fUll oF tUrtLes, if tHe cOin hit tHe tUrtLe's hEad, uR wiSh may cOme thRough.. tHe wOrd MAY is a strong wOrd sia, fUrthErmoRe, nOrmalLy the tHinGS tHat i wiShed fOr nEver cAme tHrough. sO, iTs jUst a wAstE of $.. i sEe my sis aNd bRo tHrow tHe cOin liKe vEry kUku like tHat.. tHen my sis bEg mi tO hElp her.. pLay cHeat lOr, i hElp to hit its hEad tHen u mAke a wiSh.. i diDn't exPect to hit its hEad lor, bUt thyCo hit.. wAh, then sHe so hApPy (o_O) tHen i tHink so eAsy hit tHe hEad arhx? so i tRied oNce mOre.. thEn swee lah! hit aGain.. tHough i mAde a wiSh, dUnNo whEthEr will cOme thRough aNot.. if nOt wAste my 10cEnts.

fiNally rEached tHe reSort.. shiOk lAh. tHe pLace gOT a rElaxiNg aMbiEnce, tHe sEa bReEze is cOol aNd vEry quiet.. bUT all dAy rAin man.. i tHought gOt a sHore lah, thEn hiGh tiDe.. cAnNOt piCk sEasHell. sian.. bUt oN the lAst dAy, tHe tide rEcide.. cAn seE tHe sHore at lAst.. bUt to my diSmay, its wOrst tHan the bEach in eAst cOast park.. tHe sHElls aRe all biG aNd uGly toO.. bEcoz oF tHE rAin, strong wiNd aNd hiGh tide, wE cAnt do mUch thiNgs.. awww.. my sNorking, bAnana bOat ride, kAyaking and fiShing.. eNd up wE wEnt to tHe spa.

wAh.. i 1st tiMe go sPa lOr.. tHen tHey ask mi cHange intO sHOrts. tHe sHorts tHEy gaVE liKE pamPers liKe tHAt loR.. tHE bUtt tHere liKE so big aNd tHE fRont likE so sMall.. its nOt tHAt i wEar wRong side alSo.. siAn lOr.. tHE gal tOuched mi lah (T-T) bUT lucKy sHe qUite chio (^^)V dAmn pAin aND sHiOk! gOT 1 pArt vEry the unComfORtabLe.. sPAre mi tHe dEtails man. tHEn i dUnNO wAt sHE do tO my finger.. gOT 'pOp' sOund de.. i hEar alReady caNt stOp laUghing.. tHEn tHE gal alSo laUgh lah.. lolx. fiNish alReady wEnt to tHe jAcuzzi.. F*** lah! tHe h20 so hOt! kill my tadpOles lah~ i lOok at tHe mirRor aNd gUess wat.. i lOok moRe whitE, loSt sOme lEg hAir bEcoZ sHe rUB so hArd aND also i fEel dAmn smOoth lah.. like gu niang liKe thAt..

karoke, billaRd, fisHing dAmn sian lah.. billard likE wAste $ lah.. tHe cUe like tRee bRanch liKe thAt aND fIshing is a wAste of tiMe.. cAught 2 fiSh.. uNfORtunAtely, 1 hiT tHE wOodEn plAnk aNd dRop bAck iNto tHe h2o aNd anOTher tOo sMall, neEd tO tHRow bAck.. zZzz..

still gOT mOre thiNgs to aDd on.. bUt laZy.. skip uNtil we take tHE feRry hOMe.. it wAs rAiniNg hEavily aND tHE wAve wAs vEry rOugh.. 1st tiMe i sEe 4 pPl vOmit at tHe sAme time lah.. tHen mi aNd my bRo wEnt tO tHe dEck tO wAtch tHe wAve.. tHere oNly gOt a fEw ahpek smOking.. tHe oTher pAssEngers all insiDe the cAbin.. dAmn fUn lAh.. as tHe ship is riding thE wAve, wE will jUmp..so wHen tHe bOat hits tHE h2o, yOur hEart will lUnge oUT lah.. tHen tHe wAve sUdDenly gRow stRonger aND wE weRe all wEt.. bUT oVerall, it wAs fUn.. tHe dArk glOomy cLouds was a siGht tO cAtCh..

tHen cAme bAck to sg le.. bOught liquor fRom DFS.. dAmn cHEap lAh.. bUT dUnNo can fiNish mAh.. haix..


lAst fRi gOT class bBq.. lAst day oF tEst alSo! yiPpie` wEnt tO bUY foOd 1St.. bUt tOo eArly. sO wE atE bRuNCh at pAya labAr.. fiNish liao tHEn wEnt to mAriNE pArAde tO bUy tHE fOod.. afTEr all thiNgs aRE settlEd, we waNt to go to ECP liao.. BUT, sOme idiot claSsmate lOst tHE aND wE wAited 45mins+ fOr her tO comE.. zZzz.. tHen wE wEnt cyCling.. cyCle hAlfwAy rAin.. zZzz.. tHen all wEt.. bEcOZ sOMe kuKus cAnt hEar mi sHout tAke sHelter.. wAh.. tHen i feEl gidDy sia.. rEst awHile tHen okAy liao.. tHen wAit fOr tHe rain tO stOp. wHen tHe rain stOppEd, wE wEnt bAck tO tHe sHop to cHange sOme of tHe fAulty biKEs.. tHen wAnt to sEt off tHat time, rAin aGain (-_-)"" sO wE cHat uNtil tHe rAin sTopPed.. tHen all siAn liao, dUn wAnNA riDe le.. sO wE wEnt tO mAc to rEst.. bEcoz oF sOme miscOm, wE wAlked all tHe wAy tO tHE bBq pit. fReaking lOng lah.. 30miNs stiLL nOt thEre lOR.. wAlkEd uNtil tHe laGoon tHEre tHen stEven's bRo dRove us To tHE pit.. tiRing man.

rEach le tHEn wE plAyed at tHe bEach.. haiya.. sOmeoNe maKe me wEt lOR.. kiCk sAnd iNto my nOse sOMemOre.. sCardy cAt (^^) tHEn whEn imAke hEr wEt, shE dUn wAn to talK to mi le.. haix. xiAo qi gui.. thEn wAit uNtil fOod rEady tHEn eAt eAt eat.. diDn't eAt mUch though. hAiyo.. tHE sAme kuKU gal, dRaNk my vOdka aNd spAt eVErythiNG oUT.. hAix.. i tHought u kNOw its liqUor lOR.. aND u cAnt dRink (-_-) wArn u nOt tO dRink le.. sEe lAh~ orh bee quack^^ skip skip... .... aCcompanied hEr hOMe.. tHEn rEach wlds, nO mORe bUs liao.. siAn, mUst tAke cAb aND sOMemORe niD to bOrRow $ fRom hEr man..

gLad tHat we'r cOol nOw~