Underneath the stars


Forbes who loves this gal very much


Just hear mi talk and you read (=


No links.. Just mine.

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
March 2007
August 2007
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October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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September 2009

If only you love mi - Forbes


designer: littlegurlxiaorene
Basecode: increasingly

Thursday, November 30, 2006

i think it isn't good enough for mi to tell u how i feel..
i know for the past 4 days, u've been sad.. wondering why i avoided and stopped talking to you.. im really sorry.. im really very sorry for getting you so worked up.. now that you knew about it, i dun mind you feeling this way.. you can scould mi all you want to or anything, i won't mind..

to tell you the truth, i didnt intend this to happend.. im out of my wits already. i've been boozing for the sake of this and it isnt alright.. i just wan it to stop but its just freaking too hard. its hard you know. everytime im with you, i feel as though i have a chance and it makes mi feel happy.. im just an idiot that will blindly take the chance and continue to wait.. you know that im stubborn.. forgive mi for that.

i just found out that im such a timid jerk.. i wasnt sincere or brave enough to tell you personally and had to ask my sis to approach you.. im sorry. from the start, i really dont dare to glance at you or even talk to you.. even during lectures i noticed u sitting there quietly and i felt the urge to sit beside by you.. but i know i shouldnt for the time being. i know tml's IS will be awkard as i cant fake to be normal which i must.. so sorry.

but one thing that really stabbed mi was that your bestiie said that ur dissappointed and pissed about it.. all i asked was a few days away from you.. have you ever thought about my feelings? oh well, its ok.. its my fault to begin with and you already found someone that will make your day.. i dun blame you for feeling that way. i seriously placed your feelings before mine.. i didnt even take into consideration of my own feelings.. but the thought of you being turned off is really taking its toil.. i thought u would understand my despair but you didnt. Maybe im wrong in some way too? like from your side of the story.. fine.. what's done is done. i should just face reality and not take my back and run away..

hope that when time heals the wounds, we might still pick up the pieces.. sorry once more.

since this entry is something like a confession, i would like to say sorry to jiesi.. u know wat i meant...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Whee! wEnt to viVo with jas jUst nOw. aCtually wE weRe sUppoSed tO mEet at 3 bUt bOth of us wEre lAte.. tHe fUnNy thiNg is wE aRrivEd at tHe sAme tiMe.. hEng aRh. iF nOt mUst tReat hEr tO mOvies^^ hAiz, wEnt tO fiNd tHe ciNema bUt evEntuAlly wAlked thE wrong way.. tHx to sOmeoNE. bLeahx! tHe qUene wAs vEry lOng, liKe buYing 4D like tHat.. sAw wz~* aNd ash toO! bUying tix.. tOo bad, i wAs in tHe qUene aNd cAnt sAy HI to tHem.. tHen wE wAlkEd arOund aimleSsly tO kill timE, i wAlked n liStErn tO hEr 'stOries' whiCh wEre qUite iNteResting.. lUcky tHe ciNema wAsnt tHat smAll, bUt we sAt at tHe 2nD rOw fRom tHe frOnt.. i fiNd it qUite uncOmfORtable cOz niD tO rAise tHe hEad aNd tHE sCreEn qUite nEar tOo. mAybe bEcOz my sPec leNs arE tOo sMall tHats y tHe peRipharals* (wRong sPelliNg i tHink) is liMited.. tHe mOvie Covenant wAs niiCe! bUt tHe fiGht sCenes wEre liKe yOung aDults fiGhtiNg witH h2o bOmbs ('_`) jas sAid tHat tHe mAle aNd fEmale lEad kNow eAch otHer fOr awHile oNly tHen stArted kiSsiNg -> itS jUst a SHOW.. kEkeke. aFteR tHe moVie, wE wEnt tO tHe 3Rd fLoOr wHere tHere's tHe pOol thiNgy tHeRe.. i sUgGested it as sHe wAs cOld, nEver bEen thEre yEt aNd wE wEreNt tHat hUngRy.. sO, wAlkEd 1 biG rOund lOokiNg at tHe hArbOur viEw aNd sAt at tHe ampitheatre.. it wAs vEry bReezy.. i cOntiNued to liStern to hEr stOries n otHer stUffs blah blah.. tHEn we hEaded to 'toys r us' to buy jiGsaw pUzzle fOr JEB's sis <- *ahem* lolx.. we dUnno whiCh puzzLe to chOose, so i wAlked aRound aND ask a littLe gAl to chOose.. sHe's shy lAh (like im a lao ticko -.-"') jas also liKe a little Gal nEver go toys r us be4 de.. takE hAmmer hit mi, childish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <(^(00)^)> thEn wEnt walking aRound, duNno whEre to eAt.. at lAst we sEttled at kOpitAm, haiz.. a *** <- (guess) toOk bEri lOng to oRder fOod bUt lUckily sHe atE fAster thAn tHe iNfAnt driNkiNg miLk ^^ nExt, wEnt to cAndy eMpiRe.. hEr eyEs like glistEring at tHe sWeetiEs lah. lolx.. tHen wEnt to tAke bus witH hEr hOme..

Friday, November 03, 2006

jUst wAnNa blOg awHile, tAking a bReak fRom mAple -> fReaking lAgGy nOw, dRiviNg mi tO tHe eDge..

tOday wAs fUn! dAnciNg cHa chA aGain ('-') hAhaz.. didN't fLop this tiMe.. yEah! bUt tHe stEps aRe gEttiNg mOre cOmpliCating.. aCtually, dAnCing isn't tHat difFicUlt.. i ain't a dAncing mAteriA to bEgan witH bUt im stArting to pRogRess fAster.. woOhoo. i tHink i cAn't do it witHoUt my wOndErful dAnce pArtnEr (^^)V

i'Ve bEen lAte fOr mOst tUtoRials aNd lEctUres this wEek eVen tHough i liVe a stOne's tHrow awAy fRom sChoOl.. hAhaz. i Nid to gEt a nEw gAme fOr my pSp.. if nOt, 'sOmeoNe' (jasmine) will sAy tHat i oNly hAve 1 gAme tO plAy.. hehEe. aT lEast gOt tHe 2 plAyer gAme to play ritE? cAn eNtertAin u.. lolx.

tHe wOrd 'Choose' pOps up alOt of tiMe.. chOose ur gRouping, chOose ur elEctive, cHoose tHe toPic.. blah blah. it cAn be a tOugh cHoice aNd nOt alwAys do wE gEt wHat we initiAlly wAnted..

yEstErday wEnt to jUrong entErtAinmEnt cEntre witH jas as sHe wAnted tO mEet hEr mum aNd go hOme tOgetHer.. wE rAn oUt of lEctUre duriNg bReak. i aCcompAnied hEr bEcoz i gOt nOthiNg bettEr to dO at hOme, bRo mAybe aSking friEnds tO stUdy at hOme aNd sHe 1 pErson go vEry lOnely de.. wEnt to Mac to chill. i plAy mAple whiLe sHe tRied to plAy AuditioN.. tOo bAd sHe didn't pAtch her lAppy de. if Not, sHe woUldn't bE so siAn wAtchiNg mi pLay aNd sEarcHing fOr nEw bLogskins.. Aiya.. tOo bAd tHe cOnNectiOn tOo slOw, if nOt cAn shOw hEr fuNny viDeos.. hAlfwAy, hEr mUm cAme.. i wAved at hEr aNd sHe asked mi hOw i kNow sHe's hEr mum.. i stUnned lOr. i aLso duNno why.. lolx. iN tHe eNd, hEr mUm wEnt hOme 1st wHile wE stAyed bEhind.. hAhaz. sHe gAve up pAtcHing as its still a lOooong wAy tO dL.. tHen we went hOme. i iNtEnded tO sEnt hEr tO woOdlAnds de.. bUt sHe dEcliNed, sO tOok bUs hOme..

tHx fOr cOnfiDing wiTh mi! im sO gLad to hEar u sAy tHat u fElt cOmfoRtablE tAlkiNg to me.. heHee. <(^(00)^)>