Underneath the stars


Forbes who loves this gal very much


Just hear mi talk and you read (=


No links.. Just mine.

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
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If only you love mi - Forbes


designer: littlegurlxiaorene
Basecode: increasingly

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ahhh... wat a tiRing wEek. hAiz.. qUite trOubled by certain tHings.. sChoOls bOring and projects are cOming up.. i hAd dAncing lessOn jUst nOW! (^^) lEarnt tHe bAsic stEps of 'Cha Cha'.. gUess wat, my dAnce paRtner is jAsmiNe!!! hehee.. i tHink its qUite fun dAncing but tOwards tHe eNd of the leSson, i became blur aNd fOrgOttEn my steps.. sOrry jas ('-')` i s0 paiseh lah.. u gOod lOr! still laugh at mi. Bleahx!

mEt dOminic bro fOr lUnch toDay, its been awhile siNce we lAst mEt.. wE eXchAnged teXtbks aND alSo tips oN oUr cUrrEnt mOdules.. his LMS tHeme nOw is so boRing aNd i actUally wAnted to tEll him nOt to do on trAnsexuals but his tEam mates tOo 'ON' already..

yEah! i gOt KiM jUng hOon's albUm.. qUite a nUmber of niCe sOngs thEre.. i've fiNished wAtchiNg tHe vcd alReady, sad thAt it eNded so fAst.. awww.

yiPpie! my aUnt is cOming bAck from aUstrAlia. its bEen like 2 yEars! shE misSed so mUch stufF like my 1mth old cOusin and mUch muCh mORe.. BRING back nogUrts aNd jEllybEans!!! hehee. bTw, in 8mths time.. im gOing to bE an uNcle at a yOung aGe alrEady.. my cOusin's pRegnAnt!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

sChool stArted yEstErday.. hMm.. fEeling vEry bOred! tiRed of mAple, aniMe, piAno aNd stUdying. nOw, onLy watChing tHe cUrrent kOrean sEries 'pRincEss hOur (PH)' cAn peRk mi up ('_') im sO mEsmeriZed, cAptivAted aNd stAr-stRuck by tHe aCtress yOon euN hyE wHo plAys tHe role of tHe princEss! sHe's so sWeet, cUtesy, lOvely, dEmure, pEtitE, silly, gEntle, jOvial, viBrant, eNergetic, kiDdy aNd alSo pRetty!!! awww.. hOw i wiSh to hAve a gal fRiend liKe tHat ('~') wHo will bRing mi sMiles aNd lAughter to sWeetEn my mOod... haHa. i gOt tHe cd! cuRrently i stOpped at epi 13, gOsh.. its hAlfway oNly aNd lEft afEw episOdes till it eNds.. hUrhur. hEard tHat sEason 2 wOuld nOt fEatUre tHe origiNal cAsts (T-T) bYe bye my idOl!

diDn't go tO sChoOl tOday, cOz i oVerslEpt.. yiPpie! i'vE gOt mOre tiMe to wAtch 'PH' haha.. ps sOme fRiends in sChoOl, anyway oNly 2 hOurs aNd its Amaths! my fOrte ('-')V

wEnt fOr BAoc oN sAt.. qUite bOred cAuse i oNly kNow jiqUan, weixUan aNd jAsmine.. i cAn oNly tAlk to jAs, in tHe eNd sHe ps mi.. bOohOo. pLayed games aNd walk aNd wAlk.. hAveNt bEen to sEntosa fOr like 2 yEars aNd it cHanged so mUch.. sAt thE skytrain, tHe pAnaromic viEw of tHe sEa aNd sEttiNg sUn plUs tHe hAze is jUst sPectaculAr.. Vivo citY is sO big tHat wE sPent 15+ mins fiNding a kUku 7-11.. eNded tHe tRip chilliNg at tHe bay fAcing sEntosa, dRank tiGer bEer as uSual bUt nOt fOr lOng.. hEard tHat tiGer bEer woUld have adVerse effEct on tHe lEgs, so i tHink i'll cHange to heineken.. wE plaYed a gAme wHich makes u go mUdhEaded. i lEft aftEr 1 rOund bEcoz i nEed to rUsh bAck tO cElebrate my dAd's bdAy.. it wAs lEmon cAke! sOmetHing nEw, bUt it mAkes tHe wiNe tAste sOur.. yUke!

oN sUndAy, hAd peking dUck! wOots! my dAd orDered tOo mUch fOod tHat wE hAd to tAkeawAy.. my fAmily is sO fUssy. wE sPent liKe 30 odd minutE dEciding wHat to eat.. wEsteRn? ok- itAlian, fRench oR aMerican. aSian? ok-tHai, jAp (my 1st chOice bUt my dAd cAnt eat mUch fRom tHere), kOrean, siAm, viEt oR indo.. cHinese fOod is tHe lAst rEsort. i pity tHe waitress.. kEpt smiliNg until wE wAlked in...

i'm cRaving fOr cRabs aNd kOrean gRapes riGht nOw v('0')v

Sunday, October 08, 2006

yEah! laNtErn fEstivAl yEstErday.. wEnt to my gRamps hOuse to cElebrAte. atE mOoncAkes- i loVe tHe sNowskin kiNd esPeciAlly witH yOke (*-*) yUmmy! drAnk tEa, atE yam, pAmelo, plAy witH fiRewOrks aNd lit laNterns.. tOo bad tHat the hAze is so tHick, cAn't gEt tO sEe tHe mOon clEarly.. this yEar's wAs diFfereNt cOmparEd to tHe otHer yEars bEfoRe.. mAinly bEcoz my gRamps shifted hOuse.. sUch a pity. this year wE only plAyed iN tHe 'gArden' bUt befOre tHat we pLayed at tHe pOrch whiCh was sO mUch bigGer.. wE usEd to hAng rOws of lAntErn fRom oNe eNd of tHe fEnce tO tHe otHer.. lOoking dOwn fRom tHe 2nd leVel of tHe sEmi D, it lOoks likE pOles oF lAundry liNes witH tHe liNen daNcing tO thE wiNd.. nOw its jUst so pLain, cAnt hAng anywhEre (-_-) i uSed tO be tHe fiReman (arsenist) lOoking fOr tHe oPportUnity to bUrn lAntErns.. i'll jUst bUrn tHe striNg at tHe bOttom of tHe laNtern aNd jUst sHout *lOok! thEre's fiRe!* bUt i evEry yEar chAnge exCuses.. (^-^) yA! we alSo plAced tHe fiRewoRks alOng tHe fEnce aNd its alOt liKe all tOgetHer 20 pAcks aNd lit tHem up.. tHe motOrists will alSo slOw dOwn thEir vehiCle tO wAtch.. bUt it eNded fOr a mere miNute or sO only leAving jUst a mOmeNt of aWe.. this time rOund lEsser rElatives cAme, tHe atMosphEre seEms lEss jUbilAnt..

nOthing mUch hAppenEd tOday, jUst tHat i LOST! in mAjOng!!! my 9 bucks (T_T) sobzzzzzz.. zZz... nO lUck. i hOpe tHat i cAn win bAck sOme $$$ fRom my sOccEr bets.. pls pls let mi win $20 bUcks. nOno its 30.. heHee. im such a bAd christian.. im not suPposed tO gAmble * sMack oN thE hEad* i alSo bUmped iNto sOme fRiends at cLemEnti aftEr my piAno.. zZz.. wAited 2 hOurs fOr my bRo to fiNish his studying..

hAze is bAd.. i hOpe it gEts wOrst! tHen no nid tO go tO sChool ('-')V yippie.. jUst jOking.. schOol stArts in a weeks tiMe.. zZzz.. i hAvent lvl 70 yEt! argh!!! nOw 55 only ('~') mOre pPl are gEtting siCk, i wiSh all of u oUt tHere to bE strOng aNd hEalthy! ohhno! gotta get bAck to trAin.......