Underneath the stars


Forbes who loves this gal very much


Just hear mi talk and you read (=


No links.. Just mine.

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
March 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
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October 2008
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August 2009
September 2009

If only you love mi - Forbes


designer: littlegurlxiaorene
Basecode: increasingly

Saturday, September 30, 2006

jUst caMe bAck fRom gEraldiNe's sUrprise pArty.. it wAs qUite eNjOyable, thOugh i did nOt atE thAt mUch fOod.. laUgh, eAt, dRink and plAy pOol.. my fAce wAs flUshed aftEr dRinking 3 cUps of rAspbeRry spritE volKa and 2 cUps of wiNe.. sO dAmn shiOk. bUt tHe wiNe isnt tHat gOod, liKe its of a chEap premium aND tHe tAste tOo chOking.. im so bRoke, so mAny ppl's biRthday.. i nEver fElt so pOor befOre, surviviNg witH only 10 bUcks..

wEnt fOr chOir yEsterday.. lEarnt 2 sOngs, anGels aNd In dulci.. gEes.. i've havEnt evEn made an eFfort tO leArn all tHe 12 sOngs and tHat is jUst hAlf of tHe repOrtoirE.. sUnday still mUst go siNg (-_-)

yaya.. 1 mOre thiNg. fOr tHose wHo play mAple.. gUess wHat, this mOrning at fReemArket, my pArty aNd 10 otHer partiEs fOught agAinst tHe yAkuza bOss (^-^)V i hEard tHat beFore tHat, tHey hAd bEen attAcking it fOr like 5hOurs (0_0)"' tO no avail, i diEd.. nOt jUst me, bUt evEryoNe (-_-) stUpid GM, puRposely pUt sErver cHeck at 1215.. kill uNtil 1210 tHen LAG.. nExt thiNg i kNow, all thE ppl in tHe mAp die.. tHen dc.. aRgh! shOuld dc bEfore i die!!! my lEvel so hiGh, miNus 5% vEry heartbreAking oNe.. oVerall, it wAs fUn aNd i gOt sNapshOts! woOhoo. i hOpe tO sEe tHe viDeo soOn, tHen cAn sHow off ('-')V

Sunday, September 24, 2006

hAd an evEntful dAy tOday.. mAple in tHe mOrniNg, piAno iN tHe aftErnOon aNd mEeting thE alUmni in tHe latE aftErnOon.. mAple MapLe.. all dAy mapling.. i tHink i'vE madE a gReat fEat by rUshing lEvels.. 2 wEeks tO be lvl 49, 1 hOur 10% exp (-.-)"' my mUm is dRowniNg mi witH hEr sAliva bEcoz i plAyed intO tHe wEe hOurs aNd w0Ke uP at dAy bReak tO cOntiNue.. tHus, sHe usEd tHe "sUddEnly sUrge iN elEctRicity bill" as aN eXcuse tO bLame mi (T-T) sOrRy maMa..

piAno as usUal, wOrkiNg oN eXam piEces aNd pOlisHing up sCales. rEading oUt a Psalm fOr my tEaCher aND deliBerate oN qUestiOns tHat i hAd oN mUsic aNd gOspel.. evErytiMe wHen my tEachEr lEft tHe stUdio fOr jUst a wHile tO gEt a hOt cOffEe or bOoks, i'll stArt plAying my oWn sOngs *opps* didN't iNteNd tO lEt hEr kNow cOz sHe will stArt blAbbEriNg on mi nOt fOcusiNg On tHe eXam sOngs aNd diVertiNg tO otHer tHings.. bUt i cAn't hElp it cOz tHe piAno iN tHe stUdio sOuNds diFfereNt fRom tHe 1 at my cRib.. tHe riChnEss aNd mellOw oF tHe tOne is cOmparabLe tO tHat of a gRaNd piaNo, sEts my hEart blAziNg my fiNgers itChing..

Met CK, waiwah aNd sHini.. wE wEre wAlkiNg aiMlessly, pOndEring oN hOw tO sPend tiMe uNtil 630.. tHen wE tHouGht of gEttiNg sOmethiNg fOr tHe 2 bdAy bOyz.. wHen wE wEre aBt tO gO tO tHe pResiDent's hOuse, rOs callEd sayiNg tHat sHe arriVed at PS.. tHen wE waitEd vEry lOng fOr hEr tO fiNd tHe way oUt of tHe bUilding.. fRom plAzasiNg***** wE wAlked tO hEeren.. aBt tO rEach tHe builDing, XK called askiNg wHere tO mEet us.. gOsh, wE hAvent evEn kNow whAt tO buy fOr him.. sO walKed aRoUnd.. tHen hE rEached, Ck aNd shiNi wEnt tO lUre him awAy tO bUy kEnNeth's pResEnt sO tHat mi, wAiwah aNd rOsalind will dEciDe oN wHat tO gEt fOr him.. i gOt aN idEa aftEr hEariNg a gUy tElliNG his gRoup of fRiends tHat he wAnted a nEw puRple bOxers (-.-)"' in my miNd i wAs sNigGEring.. aRe u a siSsy? oF all cOlours wHy pUrplE.. no cOmMents. i wEnt iNto tHe sHop hEsistAnt aNd sHy bEcoz i nEver bUy uNderweAr befOre, nOrmAlly my mUm bUys it fOr mi (@~@) sOmemOre tHose sAles gUys kEpt giviNg mi tAke kiNda aCt tOuGh lOok.. tHen i jUst plUcked uP my cOurAge aNd pOintEd at tHe flOwery piNkiish uNdies (^.^) "cAn i hAve tHat? dO u hAve sMall siZe?" tHe gUy wAs a gOon! hE wEnt tO sMell it!!! hE sAid wHen hE wAs wRapPing it uP tHat " dO u miNd iF tHeRe is a sMell?" fOR goodnEss sAke! wHo iN tHe blUe mOon will gO aNd tAke a sNiff at it.. zZz.. i'm flabBergAusted. XK, dOn't blAme rOs ok? itS my idEa (^_^) sHe jUst mErely aGreEd tO it.. kEkeke.. tHen wE walkEd bAck tO PS tO meEt foNg yEe, kEnNeth aNd my bRo.. wE tHen wHen tO qUene fOr sEats at fiSh n co. nOt fAir, wE cAme 1st witH 9 pPl.. but tHey lEt tHe gRoup of cOsplay pPl tO haVe thEirs.. bOohoo. tHey dResSed as tHe cHarActers fRom tHe aNime bLeach.. aWesOme. tOo bad ichiGo loOks liKe crAp, rEnji n tHe hOllow gUy bEcame pRetty gAls (0_0) lUckily tHere isiNt ishiDa, if nOt i'll lAugh my sOcks oUt.. fOod wAs vEry filliNg, i tHink my mEal wAs fOr 2 persON.. tHen tHey oPened thEir prEsEnts yEah! kEnneth lOve his bUt Xk, i tHink hE gOt tHe sHock oUt of his liFe.. his fAce wAs liKe in uttEr disbElief, tHat spAsm (^-^)V aftEr tHat wEnt fOr dEsErt at sEcrEt rEcipE.. tHen sOme expliCt cOntEnt fRom FoOng YEe.. nOt wHat u tHink bUt aBt hEr wOrk at pRima dEli.. aBt MOULDY cAkes, MOULDY kAya aNd MOULDY fRuits.. *oopps* hEed my adviCe, dOnt pAtrOnise tHat cAke sHop.. tHen i wEnt hOme witH my bRo.. talkiNg aNd talKing uNtil wE reAched hOme.. im bRoke in jUst 1 dAy..

Friday, September 22, 2006

wAtchEd 'littLe mAn' witH CK recEntly.. haha. cAlled him oUt bEcauSe hE owEd mi a mOvie tiCket.. (^_^) aNyway tHe sHow was huMOrOus bUt i tHink tHat tHe plOt wAsnt tHat grEat jUst tHat thE fuNny sCenes sAved its fAllen gRace (-_^) wEll, i wAnt tO wAtcH miAmi viCe aNd jOhn tUckEr mUst diE! yEah gOt diNner witH tHe aLuMni tMl.. cElebRatioN fOr 2 meMbers bDay (LXK n Ken/kenny/kEnNeth) fRom whAt i'vE hEard.. tHen pArty thRown by my cOusin oN sUnday.. wOots! fElt bAd tHat i didN't gO fOr tHuRsday's pRactiCe, bEen lAzy liKe my dAy is madE up Of fOod, slEep, piAno, gAmE aNd rEadiNg.. nO liFe man! cAn't fiNd any niCe piAno shEets tO plAy eXcept fOr tHe tHemE fRom 'lOve stOry' bUt oNly tHe 1st pAge (-_-) aNd it tOok mi 2 dAys to fiNd it.. pAthetiC! i tHink i miGht eNd up 1 dAy in a lOunge pLayiNg jAZz sOngs.. iM in lOve wiTh jAzZ.. uNfOrtUnatEly, i nEed mOre tiMe tO fiNd my oWn grOove.. iM eNvy oF my bRo.. hE gOt bAck sOme Of his pReliMs rEsultS aNd flAunt it at mi.. WTH 92 fOr eMath! zZz.. nEedlesS tO say abOut his Other subjEcts... bOo! hE evEn stEal sOme niCe piAno sOngs fRom oUr aChives.. (T_T) im lEft tO chOose sOme irky oNes oR fiNd nEw oNes.. wE uSually dOnt plAy siMilar sOngs cAuse it will sOuND bOring. i adMit his bEttEr tHan mi in plAying cOz my fiNgers aRe toO stiFf aNd my siGht rEading is tErriBle(evEn tHough my gRade is hiGher tHan him) hEhe.. i hOpe tO plAy dUet witH him! bUt his stiLL my BRO! i lOve him lOts (^.^) i tHink fOr tHe paSt weEk, i've nEglected sOme pPl.. sRy! hOpe u all uNderStaNd..

Thursday, September 14, 2006

LOve like you've never been hurt,
dance, like there's no one around.
LOve like you've never been hurt,
sing, like there's no one around.
that is how we treat the end of our life.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

hAviNg a tUmmy ache nOw dUe to the gReedy sidE of mi fOrciNg mi tO driNk toO mUch dRinks.. i dEservEd it mAn! (^_^) ovErall, tHe pArty was qUite eNjOyablE.. atE a few stUff but tHe bEst was tHe pRawNs bOiled in bEer.. yUmmy! i sPent my tiMe listErning tO guAn ye's laMe aNtics, fAnNing n hElpiNg oUt in cOokiNg tHe fOod aNd wAtching tHe otHer bOyz plAyiNg sOccEr.. tHey aRe nUts, frOm 630 to 1115 nOn-stOp.. evEn wHen tHe plAce is pitCh blAck tHey still cArriEd on.. At tiMes, thEy wEre kiCking thE aiR and nOt tHe ball whiCh was sOmethiNg to lAugh at. yAya.. wEnt to cHurCh toO! bUt fElt bad leAving eArly bEcoz tOday's seRmon was qUitE impOrtAnt.. wAsted! i tHink i'll eNd hEre.. i nid tO aNswEr "nAtuRe's call" cHao! (*~*)

Friday, September 08, 2006

had a hard time sleeping last night.. im so silly.. i know the odds, yet i still went with it. i know something like that will happend, least to know that there is a glimmer of hope.. pouring out my heart was initially what i thought would make me feel better, nevertheless i think it was the wrong move.. what was i thinking? damn foolish i must say.. all along, i knew that it is impossible but this stupid self of mine was stubborn to do it.. now i dread it so much.. it had ruined everything.. things wouldn't be the same i guessed.. i should've stop back then, i thinked too much and digressed.. well, just as expected.. another blow to my self-esteem. i'll never blame u.. i think its myself that takes the blame.. if u r reading this.. im sorry. i just have to do it.. its just a matter of time.

cRestfAllen, dOwncAst, fOrlorn, glOomy, hapless, mElaNchOlic, pAtHetiC, sOlemn, heAvy-hEarted, bleak, cRushed, aNd wOrds hArd to dEscriBe.. tHe feElings aRe cOming bAck siNce it lEft mi a yEar aGo.. tiMe is tHe tOrmentOr aNd i'm tHe pAwn. tHe eSseNce of liFe is liKe a ululAtion of a lullaby.. cAnt blAme anyOne caN i? mAybe i misiNtErprEted sOme aCtiOns, hOw silly.. bUt tHose misrEad tHougHts chaNged my wOrld, addiNg flAvoUrs tO my liFe. tHe mEmories liNgers and resiSdes in oUr lifE.. mEmoRies will fAde bUt tHe fEelings will rEmaiN etErnal..

Monday, September 04, 2006

jUst cAme bAck fRom stEambOat at mArinA witH my ex-claSsmatEs.. it was fUn aNd enjOyable! gEtting tO seE thEm aGain aFter so lOng was qUite emOtiOnal fOr mi. sOme lOok diffErent whilE the rEst lOok thE saMe.. tHe 18 of us cHatted and lAughed all thE time, mayBe becOz of sOme silly clOwns like guan ye. fOod was alriGht.. jUst tHat tHe sOup was bUrNt! which cAusEd tHe cRabs, pRawns, fisHbAlls and soMe otHer stUffs to tAste fUnNy.. yukes! nExt tiMe whEn i go bAck tO eAt stEambOat, i mUst wEar a rAincOat to pRevEnt tHe oil frOm sCaldiNg mi.. i'Ve bEen attAcked on my aRms, fAce and sHirt. wE alSo plAyed witH thE leFtovErs aNd rUbBish.. wE bRewed a hEaltHy sEafOod hOneydEw pApaya sOup (^.^) yUmMy! uPon hEatinG tHe sOup tUrnEd oRanGe aNd as it cOols dOwn, it tUrned bRown.. *cAnt wAit fOr RaNdy's pArty nExt sAturDay! i eXpect alOt of bOoze aNd yUmMy cRuisiNes (^-^) i tHink im gEttiNg wOrsE evErydAy.. dRinking eveRyniGht.. i miGht sPot a bEer bElly sOon. bOohoo`

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Went for piano in the afternOon and then met yOuYuN to go for sErviCe... its bEen aEons siNce i last wEnt tO cHuRch.. GOD must be aNgry witH mi. ThE atMosPhere wAs oKay wHile tHe enErgy levEl was high.. sErmon was quite dry and i almOst fEll asleEp. tHe laDy siNger is so gOrgeous, cAnt tAke my eyEs off hEr wHen she sAng... Oh yOuyUn, my best sitting partNer in tHe wOrld dUring sEcondAry sChoOl days (^-^) hahaz.. cHeEr up yA? i'll hElp u pRay! *i dOnt uNdErstAnd why gAls teNd tO go oN diEt wHen tHeiR rElatiOnsHip fAils... sEems to be tHe latEst tRend.. loSt of appetitE aNd alSo self-cOnciousness.. tHey r so unpRediCtablE... i jUst wiSh to uNdErstaNd them.. tHey are so pOor tHing. *hAvEnt beEn mysElf latEly.. its hArd tO tAlk abOut it.. oHh.. i'm fEeling dRunk riGht nOw. cAnt thiNk pRoperly.. yikEs! dRowniNg my sOrrows.. anyoNe want tO go fOr a driNk? tEll mi... cHeErs!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Yeah! Started a blOg!!! Thx to my godbro jiesi for helping mi stEp by step... Also CK and Jasmine for their effort toO (^_^) ActUally, i don't intend to stArt a blOg coz i normally write in my diary. But its jUst for the fUn of it.. I'm new to this and everything is alien to mi, gUys hope u guide mi alOng! Erm.. this sKin lOoks kinda weird fOr a gUy but anyways i find it cute. So, hOpe u aLL uNdeRstAnd ('-')